There is something i found really curious about living in UK, which is that in some little villages, local people who have gardens where they plant vegetables and had a surplus home produce, they have a little "Road side stall" outside their home to sell that over produce that they cannot handle because it would be "too much".
The stall store separate bags with different vegetables in them or individual pieces like the cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli... and there is a blackboard with the prices in it (which are really cheap for the great quality of the stuff). Then you put the exact amount of money in a moneybox and that´s it! Easy, fast and great thing. I love them and any time we have a chance, we pass by! :) 
El carrito contiene las verduras pequeñas en bolsas separadas y las verduras individuales como el brocoli, la coliflor o repollos, etc.. También hay una pizarra que tiene los precios (los cuales son muy baratos en relación a la buenísima calidad de las verduras). Cuando has cogido lo que te interesa, echas el dinero exacto en una hucha y ya está! Fácil, rápido y genial. Me encantan y cada vez que tenemos una oportunidad pasamos por uno de ellos!! :)
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