Driving in UK... It is all a great experience!
I recently started and I am now getting used to with all the speed limits and the Highway code, which is different from the Spanish one. There are still some similarities and it always helps have some previous driving experience... however, it gets time to get use to drive in the opposite side of the road, in the other side of the car with the gear on the left and very interesting are the roundabouts which in UK there are plenty of them to practice ;) Moreover, I am getting addicted to drive as I missed so much, and getting any opportunity when it comes. Still learning as here they took it really serious. For example, you cannot drive a car if you are not insurance within it and drive by the lane you choose, not like in Madrid, that it is totally chaos.
Three books are necessary: 1. The official driving manual, 2. The official driving test and 3. The Highway Code. Although, having previous experience in driving, only the third is really a MUST for me. Happy driving!!
Conducir en UK... es toda una experiencia!
Recientemente he empezado a conducir por estas tierras y empiezo a acostumbrarme a los límites de velocidad y al Código de Circulación, el cual es diferente al Español. Hay algunas cosas similares y siempre ayuda el haber conducido antes... sin embargo, se necesita tiempo para adaptarse a conducir por la izquierda y en el lado opuesto al conductor, con la palanca de cambios a tu izquierda. Muy interesantes, son las rotondas, las cuales son muy populares en Inglaterra, así que mejor para practicar ;)

Existen tres libros imprescindibles: 1. The official driving manual, 2. The official driving test and 3. The Highway Code. Y como yo tengo ya experiencia previa, sólo necesito leer el tercero. Feliz conducción!!
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