My cousin suggested to go and visit the FREE Golden Spider Silk cape created by Simon Peers and Nicholas Godley. This piece of art is so unique and I never see the natural yellow colour of the spider silk. It appears to be so delicate and at the same time is so strong, one of the fine threats can hold 200gr easily.
The tunic has been elaborated with more than one million female golden orb-weaver spiders collected in the highlands of Madagascar and the embroidery design it is based in the culture area. This unique piece of art, has been made by hand for a group of artists and embroiders working with patience and dedication during three years.
The yellow colour is not die, it is natural made by this type of Madagascar spiders.
You can watch the link to see how it has been done such a unique piece of Art:

Mi prima sugerió ir a ver la exposición GRATUITA de la "Golden Spider Silk capa" (Túnica de seda dorada hecha por arañas)creada por Simon Peers and Nicholas Godley. Es tan especial, que es una obra de arte, nunca ví un color amarillo tan natural. Aparentemente las seda parece delicada y fuerte, ya que un fino hilo puede soportar 200gr de peso fácilmente.

El color amarillo es único de esta especie en Madagascar.
Puedes ver cómo se hizo la túnica a través de este video:
We had a greet time cuz!!!! Lets do it again soon!