Last weekend has been fabulous not only because the magical sunshine weather but also because we got a letter from the council announcing that there is an Allotment available for us :-) A year ago we did join the waiting list and now our wish it is becoming true.... WE are really excited and delighted!
And yesterday we went along with the agent site which show us around between three plots and we agree in the same one: Number 27A (Lucky number for me). Great position, away from the main path and surrounded by other nice folks. Lots to do, but still on good timing for get rid of weeds and prepare
the soil, distribute the planting beds and build the shed on site.
We love allotments as they are open spaces, a place where to plant your-own-veg, go back to our roots, free exercise and probably more rewarding...
We took some measurements and also some photos... and here we are reading lots and dreaming about. So excited that hardly we could sleep these days, hehehe 

Hay mucho que hacer, quitar yerbajos, preparar la tierra, distribuir las zonas y construir la caseta.
Nos encanta la idea de tener un huertecito al aire libre, dónde plantar nuestras propias verduras, estar en contacto con la naturaleza, y ejercicio gratis, qué gran recompensa...
Tomamos medidas e hice algunas fotos... y ahora estamos leyendo unos libros que compramos y soñando despiertos...tanto, que apenas hemos podido dormir estos últimos días jejeje
Tomamos medidas e hice algunas fotos... y ahora estamos leyendo unos libros que compramos y soñando despiertos...tanto, que apenas hemos podido dormir estos últimos días jejeje
We have an allotment too, we can compare notes!
Es genial!!! Idílico!! me encanta la idea del huerto y sobre todo donde está situado.